Your Name and Title: Emily Rush, PhD 

School, Library, or Organization Name: Rush University  

Co-Presenter Name(s): N/A

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: USA 

Language in Which You Will Present: English 

Target Audience(s): All  

Short Session Description (one line): This presentation showcases the development and widespread adoption of an AI literacy framework and Canvas module, empowering educators to navigate the transformative potential of generative AI while fostering students' critical thinking skills and ethical understanding in an era of entangled pedagogy. 

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): 

AI Literacy: Fostering an Intertwined Relationship between Pedagogy and Technology in Higher Education 

As generative AI tools like ChatGPT rapidly emerge, educators face critical decisions about navigating this transformative technology in higher education. This presentation advocates for adopting an AI literacy framework as an alternative to banning or policing AI use to promote awareness, capability, knowledge, and critical thinking surrounding AI. 

 Informed by this scholarly framework, the Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation (CTEI) at Rush University has developed a comprehensive AI literacy Canvas module that serves as the cornerstone of the institution's approach to generative AI, focusing on readiness, responsibility, and ethical use. The module has not only been adopted by numerous faculty at Rush University but has also been requested by over 280 institutions for potential use with more than 300,000 students, demonstrating its widespread impact and relevance. 

 The presentation explores the benefits, limitations, and ethical considerations of generative AI, arguing that an AI literacy approach aligns with Tim Fawns' concept of "entangled pedagogy," which acknowledges the mutually influential relationship between technology and pedagogy. Through AI literacy, educators can empower students to critically evaluate AI, experiment with its capabilities, and develop essential competencies for a future increasingly shaped by artificial intelligence. 

 Strategies for implementing an AI literacy framework are discussed, including addressing privacy concerns, examining algorithmic bias, and engaging in collaborative learning activities that leverage AI's potential while fostering student agency. By embracing an AI literacy mindset and utilizing resources like the widely-adopted CTEI Canvas module, educators can adapt to emerging technologies and guide students in shaping an enriching AI future. 

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: Google form to request module 


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