Your Name and Title: Laura Lacasa Yost; Instructional Designer

School, Library, or Organization Name: Kirkwood Community College

Co-Presenter Name(s): NA

Area of the World from Which You Will Present: AI platform/tool functionality

Language in Which You Will Present: English

Target Audience(s): Instructors

Short Session Description (one line): Using AI requires an understanding of what it can and cannot do - this session explores features and limitations of free AI platforms/tools.

Full Session Description (as long as you would like): From Bard to Gemini, from Bing Chat to Copilot - AI is changing rapidly!  In order to best apply Generative AI in the classroom, a foundational understanding of what AI can do, as well as what it can't, is essential - especially in light of continuous AI advancements.  Which platforms analyze handwriting?  Which accept .docx as uploads?  How long can a YouTube video be for AI summarization?  Can student chats be shared with instructors?  Are source citations generated?  Are there any issues with AI PDF reviews - aka is the "in the middle problem" a real concern?  This session will highlight mainstream, free AI platforms such as Gemini, Claude Sonnet, Copilot, Perplexity, YouChat along with AI tools like Glasp, MagicSchool, and others.

Websites / URLs Associated with Your Session: I will share my supporting documentation via my Google Drive:  I will also vist the official sites of the platforms I address, for instance: MagicSchool (, Gemini (, and YouTube (

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