Episode 21: Building Experiences in Self-Determination for Students

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The I'm Determined  project, a state-directed project funded by the Virginia Department of Education, focuses on providing direct instruction, models, and opportunities to practice skills associated with self-determined behavior. This project facilitates youth, especially those with disabilities to undertake a measure of control in their lives, helping to set and steer the course rather than remaining the silent passenger.


Contact: Jesse

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  • Hi David Duckworth 

    I am so happy you got so much from this episode. The students were absolutely incredible. I would love to connect with you www.calendly.com/educatormuller



  • Really interesting your focus on Self Determination and the ways in which to develop this through Abilities, Skills, Belief, into Autonomy, Competence and Relatedness. I feel that UK practice is further behind in this as it is very much focused on prescribed plans set out by others not the learner themselves. I like the use of Exceptional Learners as again the UK uses the term Special Educational Needs, I havn't liked that phrase for a long time using the term Specific Learning Requirements, so to put the emphasis on the teacher setting the educational setting suitable for the learner to learn, also that there is no stigma, segregation as all persons have Specific Learning Requirements, such as Maslows heirachy. I do really Love, yes I said 'Love' the term Exeptional Learners, but also in terms of all learners too. We do have some great practices in the UK, but, I have enjoyed hearing what you have been doing, I'll try to join sometime if that's OK.


    Many Thanks and Kindest Regards

    David. Secondary Teacher, Tutor and Mentor.



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